One Piece: Gorosei as the World Government's Strongest Weapon!



Looking at the position of the Gorosei in the World Government, there is an interesting speculation that they might be the organization's strongest weapon. The Gorosei remains one of the significant mysteries in the One Piece world, introduced by Oda decades ago. Even though we now know their names, roles, and limited abilities, the possibility lingers that the Gorosei could be the World Government's most potent weapon.

Clues from Egghead Island


For centuries in the world of One Piece, the Five Elders, commonly known as the Gorosei, have been political figures for everyone in the Grand Line and the New World. The inhabitants believe that the Gorosei are the world's supreme leaders, overseeing everything through the World Government.

The World Government, as known to geeks, has been the largest organization in the One Piece world for the past 800 years. They are considered the group that "constructed" the One Piece world, with the descendants of the 20 kingdoms forming the World Government known as the Celestial Dragons. They see themselves as descendants of the "gods" who built the world.

One of the factors contributing to the World Government's power is the strength they possess. So far, the World Government is known to have various sources of power, including their secret group, Cipher Pol, and the most prominent being the Marine forces. Based on what has been revealed so far, it seems like the World Government does not require a weapon stronger than these two.

However, in the current Egghead Island arc, Oda seems to be changing the perspective on the Gorosei. He hints that they might not just be political figures for propaganda purposes, but possibly the World Government's strongest weapons.

Gorosei, particularly Saint Jay Garcia Saturn, appears to have no significant issues or difficulties when facing Luffy. This could be a dangerous signal for Luffy. If observed closely, why did Im decide to send Gorosei Saturn to Egghead Island, even after dispatching Kizaru and 30,000 Marine soldiers? This provides evidence that Im does not trust the Marines to match Luffy's strength.

Knowing that the opponents on Egghead Island are the Yonko's pirate group with the greatest power in the world, it makes sense for Im to send their greatest weapon, the Gorosei—specifically Gorosei Saint Jay Garcia Saturn. From what has been shown in the story, there are reasons why Im sent Gorosei Saturn to Egghead Island.

The most obvious is that he possesses tremendous power. The extent of Gorosei Saturn's power remains a mystery. Oda has presented terrifying aspects of Gorosei Saturn, such as the ability to destroy someone's head without touching, appearing anywhere, preventing people from attacking, and even a healing factor.

The Strongest Weapon in the World


If Nika is the most formidable force in the One Piece world, it is highly likely that the Gorosei are rivals to Nika. Considering they are the world's greatest power, there must be a reason why they consider Nika a force to be reckoned with. Since Luffy needs to face opponents far more terrifying and challenging after Kaido, Gorosei Saturn could be a suitable opponent for Luffy at this point.

Considering the power displayed by Gorosei Saturn on Egghead Island, it seems reasonable for the Gorosei to be at the highest echelon of the World Government. Moreover, it makes sense if other Gorosei have equally formidable powers or even more potent. Facing the Gorosei might be the Straw Hat group's most significant mission before confronting Im.

When Gorosei Saturn is eventually defeated—possibly requiring extra efforts and dozens to hundreds of chapters—Luffy and the Straw Hat group will still need to overcome the other four Gorosei, which will undoubtedly be no easy task. This could also be a signal to Luffy and the Straw Hats that they will face significant challenges ahead and need additional strength for it.

How the Gorosei earned the title "Warrior God" could explain the extent of their formidable characters. Their position as subordinates to Im Sama could be a logical reason why the Gorosei are the World Government's strongest weapons. Currently, there is no information about the origins of the Gorosei, but it is possible that they are powerful characters originating from 800 years ago.

The Gorosei might be the strongest knights chosen by Im, assisting in defeating the other 19 kingdoms in the power struggle. Thus, they are the ones who helped Im attain their current position. In conclusion, the Gorosei indeed represent the World Government's greatest power, especially for Im. The formidable powers showcased by Gorosei Saturn in the Egghead arc could be tangible proof of this. This also implies that other Gorosei might have powers and formidable abilities on par with or even greater than Saturn's, making them a plausible source of the world's greatest strength.

by : Sevenkix Anime

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